Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Previous Bits from Paper 1 for the year 2011

What is COD parcel in foreign parcel category?
Cash on Delivery Parcel

What is the maximum weight of
3 grams.

What is the enquiry fee for complaint regarding foreign registered later with Advice of Delivery?
No enquiry fee is necessary.

If any foreign parcel is returned to sender for having contained prohibited article, what is the liability of the sender?
The charges for conveyance resulting there from are recoverable from which sender.

What is the maximum weight of 'Small Packets' for foreign countries?
1 kg

What is the registration charge for 'Bulk bag' to foreign countries?

Name the countries for which money order services are available from India?
Nepal and bhutan

How many copies of customs declaration to be filled in by the sender and given for booking foreign parcel in India?
In Duplicate

When remittance is made to a SO through a special carrier, in which document  a remark  should be written for the information of the SPM as to how money  was sent?
In SO Slip.

What type of post offices maintain complaints and suggestion book?
All type of post offices

Who will prepare cash SO slip at  head office?
Sub Account PA

What is the redirection fee for an Inland registered parcel?
50% of the initial postage

What is the Annual fee for Post Box and post Bag together?

Who is responsible to maintain service books of all postal establishment in a Postal Division?
Head Postmaster

Who has to prepare the Memorandum of distribution of work for a Sub office ?
Sub Postmaster

What is the insurance fee for an article insured for Rs.200/-?
Rs. 10/-

Which copy of the MO issue journal is treated as Audit copy?
First copy

What is the maximum amount up to which a  VP letter can be booked?
Rs 5,000/-

VP charges to be collected on a letter VP for Rs.20 /-:
Rs. 2.00

VP charges  on a letter VP  for Rs.100/- is:

Which document will be used for preparing Insured bundle?
Registered list

What is the form number for preparing Money order issue journal?

What is the commission for sale of a postal order denomination of Rs.100/- ?

What is the fee for issue of Postal identity cards?

What is the maximum weight limit for an ordinary parcel (URP) ?
4 kg

What is the Annual fees for renting a post Box?

In which list High Value Money Orders are invoiced when received for payment ?

How many copies of SO slip will be prepared at the HO?
In duplicate

What is the age criteria for joint holder(spouse) in case of joint SCSS account ?
No age criteria for joint holder

What is the maximum amount up to which Protected Savings scheme benefit will be extended?
Rs. 50/-

Fee for transfer of a SCSS account from one PO to another for first transfer:
Rs.5/- per lakh

What are the documents required for opening of SCSS  account?
Age proof, ID proof and Address proof

What is the fee for issue of duplicate Passbook for the second time in case of SCSS account?
Rs. 20/-

What is the fee for issue of duplicate at SB passbook?

What is the fee for issue the fresh passbook in lieu of used one?
No fee

Where are all saving certificate printed?
Government of India security press, Nasik

What is the fee for issue of Identity slip of KVP denomination of Rs. 10,000?
No fee

What is the fee for cancel or variation of nomination in respect of savings certificate ?

Fee for pleding NSC VIII issue certificates denomination of Rs.100/-  and Rs. 1,000/- :

What is the period of non encashability in the respect of KVP?
2 1/2 years

Which form of application will be used for pledging of certificates as security?
NC 41

Application used for transfer of certificate from one person to another person :
NC 34

To whom a Kisan Vikas Patra can be pledged as security:
a)President of India
b) Governor of a State
c) Reserve Bank of India

Which document is must when a BO bag is sent from Account office to Branch office?
BO Slip

BPM will issue the receipt to the customer while booking  the money order from this receipt book:
MS 87(a)

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