Saturday, 1 March 2014

P & T Financial Hand Book-I

1. Head of the Postal Circle or the SSPOs, will fix the maximum and minimum cash balances of the 1st class Head Post Offices under their control.

2. SPOs will fix the cash balances of all Post Offices under his control.

3. As soon as the maximum balance is reached, a Post Office should remit the whole surplus in excess of the minimum balance to the Bank or Treasury or Sub-Treasury.

4. Each Head Post Office must keep a separate Treasury Pass Book for each treasury with which it deals.

5. The Treasury Pass Book will contain a complete record of all sums received from or paid into the treasury.

6. When a Postmaster has a Sub-Post Office under him, which has transactions with a treasury or Sub-treasury in another district, he must keep two Treasury Pass Books, one with the local treasury and the second with the treasury or sub-treasury of the other district.

7. Separate Pass Books should be kept by Sub-Post Offices dealing with a Treasury.

8. The Treasury seal or stamp should be affixed against all entries in the Treasury Pass Book.

9. The Head Office Treasury Pass Book must be kept in the Head Postmaster’s personal custody and he must himself make all the necessary entries in it.

10.  Money paid into a Treasury by a Postmaster shall be forwarded with the memorandum of remittance and the Post Office Treasury Pass Book.

11.Money paid into a Treasury by a Sub-Postmaster shall be forwarded with the memorandum of remittance in duplicate and the Treasury Pass Book kept by the Sub-Office.

12.The duplicate memorandum shall be retained in the Treasury and the original returned signed to the SPM.

13. Money paid into a Sub-Treasury by a Postmaster shall be accompanied by the Treasury Pass Book and a single memorandum of remittance.

14. Money paid into a Sub-Treasury by a Sub-Postmaster shall be accompanied by the Sub-Office Treasury Pass Book and by memorandum of remittance in duplicate.

15. The Sub-Treasury Officer shall attest the entries in the Pass Book and return the original memorandum duly signed.

16. Cheques, credit challans and pay orders accepted, should be forwarded to the Treasury Officer as a remittance along with Treasury Pass Book.

17. Each cheque will be shown as a separate entry in the Treasury Pass Book and will be accompanied by a separate memorandum of remittance in duplicate showing full particulars of the cheque.

18. After clearance of the cheque, the Treasury Officer shall return the original memorandum of remittance duly signed, as the final receipt for the remittance and retain the duplicate in the Treasury.

19.  Cheques on local clearing Banks may, however, be included in one memorandum of remittance showing the total number and amount of the cheque which will be presented to the Treasury in duplicate along with a list in triplicate, showing the details of each cheque.

20.The Treasury Officer shall return one copy of the memorandum of remittance duly signed after clearance and retain one copy of the memorandum of remittance and two copies of the list.

21.  One copy of the list will be for Treasury Office’s record and the rest for transmission to the Accountant-General.

22.  In case if any cheque is not cleared and is returned unpaid the fact will be noted against the relevant entry of all copies of the list with consequential correction in the memorandum of remittance duly attested before one copy of each is returned to the Post Office.

23. Postal transactions will be brought to account direct against the P& T balance in the books of the RBI.

24. The transactions, both debit and credit, will be advised daily by the Bank to DA(P) and the Disbursing officers concerned through debit and credit scrolls.

25. The form used for Treasury Pass Book is ACG-8.

26.The form used for memorandum of the remittance is ACG-11.

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