Thursday 31 October 2019

MCQ for IPO Paper 2

1) When did the Fundamental Rules come into force to all Government
(a) 15-8-1947 (b) 1-1-1922
(c) 20-6-1960 (d) 26-1-1950
Ans: b

2) The Fundamental Rules became applicable to Defence Accounts
Department personnel with effect from
(a) 1-7-1976 (b) 1-4-1976
(c) 1-4-1972 (d) 31-12-2003

3) What are the matters for which powers cannot be re-delegated by the
administrative ministries to the subordinate authorities under FR?
(a) Creation of posts
(b) Write-off of losses.
(c) Re-appropriation exceeding 10% of the original budget provision
by electronic form
(d) All the above
Ans: d

4) Who has the powers of interpreting the Fundamental Rules?
(a) C and AG (b) President of India
(c) Ministry of Finance (d) Prime Minister of India
Ans: b

5) Which Allowance cannot be treated as a Compensatory Allowance?
(a) Special Compensatory Allowance
(b) Bad Climate Allowance
(c) Project Allowance
(d) Sumptuary Allowance
Ans: d

6) Fill up the blank with a correct word from the options given below:
Lien means the ………............…. of a Government servant to hold a post to
which he has been appointed on a regular basis.
(a) Post (b) Designation
(c) Title (d) Position
Ans: C

7) Foreign service means service in which a Government servant receives
his pay with the sanction of the Government from—
(a) The Consolidated Fund of India
(b) The Consolidated Fund of a State
(c) The Consolidated Fund of Union Territory
(d) Any source other than the above

8) A Government servant retains a Lien acquired on a post during
(a) Suspension (b) Foreign service
(c) The period of leave (d) All the above
Ans: d

9) A Lien of a Government servant to a post shall not be retained when—
(a) he proceeds on immediate absorption outside his cadre
(b) on deputation beyond the maximum period
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Ans: c

10)Of the following,specify the post which is eligible to get Non-Practising
(a) Paramedical Staff
(b) Medical Staff of Central Services other than CGHS Services
(c) Nursing Staff
(d) Pharmacist
Ans: b

11) Which of the periods mentioned below are treated as duty ?
(a) Period of training before appointment to Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’
(b) Treatment of enforced halts
(c) Attending Departmental examinations
(d) All the above

12.) The salary of a Government servant who is in foreign service is paid
(a) The Consolidated Fund of India
(b) Foreign employer with the sanction of the Government
(c) The Consolidated Fund of a State
(d) The Consolidated Fund of a Union Territory
Ans: b

13) Substantive Pay does not include—
(a) Special Pay (b) Personal Pay
(c) Emoluments (d) All the above

14) What is the maximum period of retention of lien when appointed to
another Central Government Office / State Government in normal
(a) 4 years (b) 2 years (c) 5 years (d) 6 years
Ans: b

15)  What are the disabilities to a Government servant when interruption orbreak in service occurs under FR 17-A?
(a) Quasi-permanency
(b) Leave Travel Concession
(c) Eligibility for appearing in departmental examinations, for which
a minimum period of continuous service is required
(d) All the above
Ans: d

16) under which Rule is pay fixation done when a Government servant is
promoted from one post to another post involving higher responsibilities?
(a) FR 21 (b) FR 22 (I) (a) (1)
(c) FR 19 (d) FR 20
Ans: b

17) Which of the following periods will not be counted for the purpose of
(a) All kinds of duty
(b) Joining Time
(c) EXOL without MC for more than six months
(d) Foreign service
18) Who is competent to issue a certificate under FR 26 (b) (ii) in case of
an official officiating in a higher post for the leave periods excluding
(a) Leave Sanctioning Authority
  (b) Competent Authority
(c) Appointing Authority
(d) Head of Office
Ans: c

19) From when will all kinds of leave excluding EXOL without Medical
Certificate count for increment?
(a) 22-1-1963
  (b) 1-4-1976
(c) 1-4-1972
(d) 22-10-1963

20) Which of the following does not qualify for grant of honorarium to
a Government servant?
(a) The work should be special and of an occasional or intermittent
(b) A temporary increase in work
(c) The work should be either laborious or of such special merit
(d) The work should be undertaken with the prior consent of the
Ans: b

21)Who is competent to grant Advance Increment?
(a) Authorities competent to create a post (Permanent / Temporary)
(b) Head of the Office
(c) Head of the Department
(d) Finance Secretary
Ans: a

22) Identify the cases for which powers under FR 27 are not to be invokedfor grant of premature increments?
(a) As reward for meritorious work
(b) In disregard of the advice given by the Ministry of Finance in any
individual case for fixation of pay
(c) In disregard of the normal rules governing fixation of pay except in
cases of hardship or where the circumstances are unusual
(d) All the above

23) Where should the Medical Certificates of Fitness produced on first appointment be kept after making the necessary entry?
(a) In safe custody along with other    documents connected with
(b) Service Book of the Official
(c) APAR of the Official
(d) Separate Guard Book
Ans: b

24) A Government servant holding a post in the pay Level 10 was formally
appointed from 1-3-2017 to hold additional charge of another post in the
same office in the same cadre as a temporary measure for three months.
What is his entitlement for the period of his additional charge?
(a) 25% of additional pay
(b) Honorarium of Rs.1,000 per month
(c) A lumpsum of Rs. 500 per month
(d) No additional pay / remuneration
Ans: d

25) Which FundamentalRule imposes a restriction on a Governmentservant,
whose duties involve carrying out scientific or technical research, from
applying for a patent for an invention made him?
(a) FR 48 (b) FR 48-A (c) FR 49 (d) FR 50
Ans: b

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