Tuesday 15 April 2014

Expected Questions from PO Guide-I

Expected Questions from PO Guide-I

1) Maximum Weighs:

2 Kgs
Book Packet
5 Kgs
Post letter card
5 gms
Sample and pattern packet
2 Kgs
Book packet containing periodicals
5 Kgs
Blind literature packets
7 Kgs
Unregistered parcel
4 Kgs
Registered parcel if booked or deliverable at BOs
10 Kgs
Registered parcels in other cases
20             Kgs

2)  Classes of mails

1st class mail
2nd class mail
Book packets
Registered news papers
Letter cards
Pattern and sample packets

Blind literature

3)Points on air lift of mails:

1)    Under “ALL-up” scheme, all 1st class mails are allowed for air lift within the limits of India without any special air surcharge.

2)     Second class mails are air lifted if they are marked for its transmission and are prepaid with the requisite air surcharge.

3)    Registered Newspapers are treated in sorting as in class mail but no air lift is allowed unless they bear the required surcharges.

4)General Rule for unpaid and Insufficiently Paid Postal Articles:-

a)    If posted unpaid is charged on delivery with double the postage.

b)     If posted insufficiently prepaid is charged on delivery with double the amount of deficiency.

5)      Post Boxes:
   1)Only fully prepaid unregistered articles like letters, inland letter cards, post cards, aerogramme, registered news papers, books are delivered through post box.

  2) In the event of a renter changes his business address or shifting his office to another place, the renter has to inform the same to the Post Office within 7 days of such change.

    3) Failure to intimate the loss or damage to the key of the lock or lock will entail cancellation of the allotment of the post box.

  4)If the lock and key are not surrendered by the renter to the Postmaster within 15 days of the expiry of the period of rent or the renting of the box is not renewed within the aforesaid period, the deposit will be forfeited.

   5) The period of rental of a post box commences from the 1st day of month in which the post box is allotted.

  6)The period of renewal of rental commences from the 1st day of the month immediately succeeding the period of previous rental.

6.)     Rental rates for Post Box and Post Bags:

Post Box or Post Bag
One financial year
Post Box or Post Bag
3 calendar months or part thereof
Post Box and Post Bag(Both)
One financial year
Post Box and Post Bag(Both)
3 calendar months or part thereof

7)License fee for Franking Machine:

License fee - Rs.375/- for 5 years
Rebate- 3% on franked Postage.
Concession to bulk mailers- 2% on posting for post office wise pre-sorting of letters.

8) Identity cards:

1)Identity cards will be obtainable at any head post office by literate persons whose identity is well established in the locality in which they reside.

2)    Applications for issue of identification cards can also be made at Sub-Offices. The Sub-Postmaster will, after making enquiries forward the application to the Head Office for issue of the cards.

3) The card will contain a full description of its holder, his signature and photograph and will be current for a period of three years from the date of issue.

4) After the expiry of the period of validity of the card, a fresh card will have to be applied for.

5)The photograph to be affixed to the identity card will have to be supplied by the applicant for the card and must be of the size 88 millimeters by 63 millimeters, or slightly smaller.

6) In the event of the loss of a card, a duplicate will be issued to the holder on paying the prescribed fee and on his giving a written declaration absolving the department from all responsibility in the event of the misuse of the original.

7)    Fee for issue of identity card is Rs.9/-.


a) To avail this facility prior permission of the Head of the Division should be obtained.

b) The client will post a card, envelope or label without any postage.

c) The usual postage charges plus Rs.1/- per article will be collected from the addressee.

d)     The permit shall remain in force upto 31st March of the financial year during which it is issued.

e)     The permit may be renewed during the month of March every year for a period of one year beginning on the 1st of April, of that year on payment of a fee of Rs.200/- in respect of each renewal.

f)        Infringement of any of the conditions will render the Business reply Card or Envelop liable to be treated as unpaid letter.

g)      The fee for Business Reply Permit

During the 1st Quarter (1/04 to 30/06)
During the 2nd  Quarter (1/07 to 30/09)
During the 3rd Quarter (1/10 to 31/12)
During the 4th Quarter (1/01 to 31/03)

10)      Tariff to Post cards

Single cards
Reply cards
Rs 1.00
Printed Post card
Rs 6.00
Competition Post Card
Rs 10.00
Meghdoot Post Card
Rs 0.25

11)The weight of letter card is 5 grams. The tariff is Rs.2.50Ps.

12) Tariff to Post letters

For every 20 grams or part thereof   Rs. 5.00
Embossed Envelop                            Rs. 5.00

13) Tariff to Book Packets:

for the 1st 50 grams        Rs.4.00
for the additional 50 grams or part thereof Rs.3.00

14)Tariff to Book Packets containing Printed Books:

For every 100 grams or part thereof          Rs. 1.00

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